Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday Sew Day

Saturday was spent with like-minded friends for a sew day. Debbie offered her home, Dan made sure we wouldn't go hungry, Deb drove the furthest and entertained us with critter stories and Pam kept us all smiling with her camera clicking! Alex showed up just in time for lunch and then off again to pack for Asilomar.

I used the time to start putting the pieces together for the Chelsea Cottage quilt many of us came home with after AAQR last year.

Monday I spent part of the day using a friends longarm to quilt a few comfort quilts for parents of fellow quilter/friends. One pass with yucky tension and an even yuckier thread choice and it came off the machine to be unsewed. Sigh.

Then it was off to spend a couple hours with 60+ of my favorite Girl Scouts as they are in the final stages of planning a day long event for Daisy's & Brownies. It was one of our better gatherings and lot was accomplished, but you know what they say . . . It's all fun and games until someone pulls the fire alarm. At least we now know the answer to the age old question of how many firemen does it take to check a pulled alarm. They even made us promise we wouldn't hurt any of the girls before they left.

That brings me up to date and now I'm off to spend some more time unsewing so I can start it all over again tomorrow.



Deb Silva said...

LOL - they must be Portuguese firemen!

The day was too much fun and I can hardly wait until the next one.

PamKittyMorning said...

Wow, three firemen. Were they cute, you just can't tell from the photo. You can't blame those girls for trying to catch a cute one.

I have fun sewing with you on Saturday!!

blushing rose said...

Got the wrong shot of the firemen ...

Love the quilt! Pop over & look at my feedsacks.

TTFN ~ Marydon